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Get started quickly

Get up and running in no time with day 1 access to our nationwide community of providers, tools to help you invite your favorite providers, and training for your staff.
Custom branding logo

Get day 1 access to our nationwide provider community

We publish a provider directory with customized web address and branding for your school in less than 24 hours, and your staff and students get immediate access to our nationwide community of over 18,000 providers.

Provider invitation email

Invite your favorite providers to create their own free profiles

We've helped schools successfully invite thousands of providers to create free profiles for their practices. Our email templates and invitation features make it easy for you to spread the word, and providers can create their profiles in minutes with our streamlined sign-up process. We provide additional support by doing our own outreach to help grow the community.

Training slides

Schedule staff training

We have video and help content in the application to get started on your own—we also schedule a staff training to make sure your team knows how to use ThrivingCampus and feels encouraged and welcomed to reach out to us at any time with questions, feedback, or ideas.
Schedule a Demo